How to Cope With Stage Fright During Your Audition?

Fear of the stage is very common and it is very rare to find an actor who is completely unaffected by it. We have offered a few tips to aspiring actors on how to conquer their fear, and hopefully do brilliantly in their auditions.

Stage Fright:

After a long wait in the lobby, you are very thirsty, have not been to a restroom for a while, and are tired of the constant back biting and gossiping by the other actors called for the audition. So, finally, your turn arrives. You go to the stage, watch the casting director and the rest of her team, and you see them stare at your, fully expecting you to fumble and embarrass yourself. Then suddenly, as soon as you are given the signal to do your piece, you feel your muscles contracting, your breathing becomes harder and faster, you start feeling a squeeze in your tummy, you can almost feel your heart banging against your chest, and you are so nervous that you lose your capacity to think clearly as well as your current awareness of the situation. Welcome to Stage Fright. It happens to the best of us.

If it is of any consolation

You are not alone. Stage fright is something very common and every actor, young and old, famous and obscure has gone through this during his or her audition for a role. The legendary multiple Oscar winner Meryl Strep has confessed to suffering from stage fright while auditioning. So has the great actor Dustin Hoffman. So stop blaming yourself if you are affected by it. What you should be doing is to cope with your stage fright, and deal with it better the next time. We offer a few tips that should help you go a long way.

1. Sleep well.

You shall require at least 8 to 9 hours of sleep before your audition. Wake up after a blissful sleep, fully refreshed and ready to take on the world.

2. Eat well.

Avoid having too much protein in your last breakfast or lunch just before the audition as protein is difficult to digest quickly. Have simple cereals, bread, barn, rice and lots of milk. Whatever you take has to be very easy to digest. And eat in moderation, do not gulp down food.

3. Exercise well.

Go for an early morning jog or run, have a great workout in the gym, exercise those muscles. Keep your body busy, fit and warmed up.

4. Warm up well.

This is most important. Warm up your vocals for at least 15 to 30 minutes. Practice deep breathing. It also helps if you know how to meditate. Have a quick jog on the spot for 3 to 4 minutes.

5. Prepare well.

You will probably be asked to say a monologue in your audition. Hopefully you will have prepared well at it long before the audition. Practice your monologue with friends and family and ask them to rate your performance. Perfect your delivery as much as possible.

6. it’s not the end of the world.

Know this well before you go to your next audition – a couple of poor auditions will not finish your career as an actor. Every day, there are dozens of auditions for TV shows taking place in the city. For more information on this, visit the website excellent resource for news on the latest auditions for TV shows held in your city.

Chris is a member of the casting team of a current hit TV show. He has seen too many young aspiring actors suffer from severe stage fright in many auditions for TV shows that he has been involved with, and hopes he can be of help to them. He wants to give a special mention to the website is doing a wonderful job for aspiring TV actors and models.

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